0528 10:17 遥远的哈尔滨地震了,不是震中。这就是人力与天力,人一直需要拯救的是自己,而非暴虐的地球或每况愈下的环境。我常想,牧区的一切都保存不住,我们人类也存续不住。当它降临的时候,当我们处在事件中心的时候,可能不具备理智分析的时间。

0522 23:34 夜里总舍不得睡,什么情况...

0518 14:44 情绪管理,right? How about you?

0504 21:26 昨晚梦到不再联系的你,可以设想如果被记得,如果相互知道被记得,是温馨而幸福的~

0502 19:22 Homeland.  Knowing every truth while have no faith in human acting together. What can I do for that? for the earth, for myself, for people? Throughing times I've been thinking about what kind of role shoud I play, but most of times I feel nothing can be changed. Nothing can be done by me, even live as a ignorant people.


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